Admission eGift Vouchers

Thank you for buying Bristol Zoo Project eGift Admission Tickets. Your support means the world to us!

Your eGift Voucher will be sent to the email address that you enter at the checkout.

Please note that each voucher order will be presented on one email; if you require multiple gifts, please order them individually.

For example; you wish to gift admissions to your son's family and separately for your friend. Please complete the order for your son's family and then return to this page to order your friends gift.

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We are a charity.
We protect animals in danger around the world. Please donate, it means so much to our work and we cannot claim back Gift Aid from the government if you do not. By giving a little you are helping a lot.
Adult Admission eGift Voucher
£20.45 £0.00
Child Admission eGift Voucher
£16.36 £0.00
Total:   £0.00

  • Classification: 

-  Adult vouchers are valid for guests aged 15 years and over

- Child vouchers are valid for visitors aged between 2 and 14 years old

  • Gift vouchers can be purchased for Memberships and Admission tickets.
  • Gift vouchers cannot be transferred between product/service types, they are valid for the product/service displayed on the front of the voucher only.
  • As gift vouchers are purchased for a specific product or service, use of a gift voucher as part payment is not possible.
  • Please refer to the separate Terms and Conditions relating to the intended purpose of the gift voucher.
  • Gift vouchers can be used for full payment of the product stated on the front of the voucher.
  • Each gift voucher is valid for one use only.
  • Incomplete or amended vouchers are invalid and cannot be redeemed.
  • Gift vouchers cannot be used in conjunction with any special promotions, or discounts.